County Jamboree


This is another highlight of the year. Teams of eight from the four West Counties (Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Dunbartonshire and Argyll) play foursomes and singles matches over three days. The team with the most points at the end of the divisional Jamboree wins and goes forward to the Scottish County Finals to play against the other Scottish winners.

Looking Back

This competition commenced in 1909 with the a County Match between Argyllshire and Renfrewshire at Killermont Golf Club on March 31st, 1909. Renfrewshire won 4 - 3.

In 1987 the format changed to a Jamboree between the West Division member Counties. Renfrewshire won the Inter-County West Division Matches that year and went on to win the Scottish County Finals at St. Andrews (for the eighth time) after beating East Lothian, Dumfriesshire and Aberdeenshire.

For more in-depth history of the Scottish County Finals have a look at the extensive section on this competition in the RLCGA Centenary Book 1909 - 2009.

In 2010 and 2017 Renfrewshire again won the Scottish County Finals with the winning 2017 team pictured below and further photographs of their triumphant win can be found in this album;

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Back Row – L – R Jennifer Mack Hon President, Carol Whyte, Liz Stewart, Gillian Kyle (Captain), June Lockhart (Vice Captain), Denise Cowan Front Row – Eilidh Briggs, Jennifer Rankine, Megan Briggs, Donna Jackson (Photo courtesy of Kenny Smith from Scottish Golf)

The following year in June 2018 Renfrewshire won the West Division Championship again but on this occasion were very close Runners Up to Aberdeenshire in the Scottish Team Championship at Kilmacolm in September 2018. For a full report and photographs CLICK HERE.

RLCGA most recently won the Jamboree in 2023 when we hosted the competition at Williamwood GC. Pictured below is the team along with the Honorary President Pearl Orr.

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(l to r) Rosie Maguire, Carol Whyte, Jennifer Rankine, Vice-captain Liz Stewart, Honorary President Pear Orr, Captain Donna Jackson, Julie Wilson, Gillian Kyle  and  Emma Thomson Burns (Photo coutesy of Fiona Armour)

It was a very close competition between Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire with Renfrewshire winning on a countback of games won. The Renfrewshire team then progressed to the Scottish County Finals.

A photograph of the winning team, courtesy of Jean Macintyre,  with our lucky mascot Flora;

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